What is Happiness?

Happiness is the state wherein there is no any single pain, torments, sufferings, afflictions, Crying, sickness, sorrows, grief, depression, fightings, wars, misunderstandings, etc., and mostly where is No death in existence. For how can we say we are happy if we still felt pain, sorrow, grief and depression; if we still cry and felt bitter in our hearts, if we felt anger and wrath, if we become sick and die, etc.? Rather, the happiness that we have now is similar to the life we possess or our body possess – that is, Momentary and temporal. Momentary Happiness is like drop of water on a dry land, it quenches a little bit but it does not satisfy at all. Yes, our happiness is like a passing pleasure. You are please at this moment then in other moments it is already gone.

Perceiving Momentary Happiness

We thought we are happy whereas not. This is the blinding perception momentary happiness has deceived us. We adopt either an Aristotelian way of happiness or an Epicurean way of happiness. However, others seek neither of the two; rather they based their happiness in achieving their goals.

We all know what Aristotle says about happiness, that it “is an activity of the soul in accord with perfect nature”. That is, happiness is an activity guided with a moral behavior engaging in various activities of life such as eating, drinking, making love, studying, working, etc. For instance, if we enjoy eating, drinking, intellectual pursuits, friendship, texting, wall climbing, traveling, etc., and we are not frequently downcast, depressed, and anxious – then We are Happy! We are a Happy man. We do these activities of life in a moral way or moderate way to complete our happiness. For immorality or in excess as we know will not bring us happiness for it is not good. For good is happiness and happiness is good. And this way of happiness is Aristotelian: activity in life done in a moderate behavior or moral behavior.

However, in contrast with Aristotle is Epicurus and his Epicurean way of happiness. Some people may be satisfied and happy in doing their activities in life in a moderate way, but others are not satisfied with moderation. For some people are not happy or cannot be happy if he/she is force to control himself /herself in all situations of life such people who are passionate in doing their things. Can a man be satisfied and happy making love in just 5 minutes?

Epicurus’ view called sometimes “Hedonism”. It is the doctrine that pleasure is the sole good, or pleasure is the only thing a man should pursue in order he/she be happy and avoiding pain and sufferings. Thus, it is in contrast with Aristotle. For if, one controls what may give him/her ultimate pleasure, he/she already experiencing pain or unhappy state or one is no longer happy.
However, Epicurus himself realized that seeking pleasure too arduously may cause pain to the seeker only or pain will only follow. For example, too much drinking will only lead to headaches causing pain only to you, thus robbing your happiness. Too much sex will only lead you to fatigue and exhaustion, thus causing unhappiness to you.

In the other hand, happiness based on achieving a certain goal is like this: for example, your goal is to win 1 million pesos on a specific game show, so in order to achieve this goal you persistently join the game show until you finally achieve your goal- that is, to win the 1 million pesos. Then when you have already achieved your goal, according to yourself, you are now happy. However, you have to gone through first with a lot of disappointment, discouragements and pain before you could achieve your goal that will make you happy. But the worse thing on this kind of way of happiness, is when you come into the point of reality that your goal which you persistently wanted to achieve will no longer be fulfilled or you could no longer achieve or will no longer be a reality despite of all the pain and disappointments you have gone through and have endured. Thus, causing you more sorrows, pain and unhappiness, only. Some become insane and committed suicide in this way of seeking happiness.

Therefore, the result of these three ways to seek happiness is not really happiness at all, rather only a momentary happiness which pain and sorrow have power over and which only causes more pain and sorrow.

Elements of True Happiness

1. Eternal life. For if, you are already living eternally, pain, torments, afflictions, sorrow, etc., which were brought by sickness, death, and hard work you will no longer feel.

2. Incorporeal glorious powerful-lighted body. Only those who have a weak, mortal, dark or soiled and corporeal body felt weakness, pain, torments, afflictions, etc., and mostly experiencing death. For darkness is the body or garment of evil. But light is the body or garment of good. Do you want to have a dark body?

3. Complete Perfect Goodness within and outside your being. For where there is evil, there is 100 % hatred, sorrow, affliction, chaos, etc.

4. Perfect wholly peaceful, good, eternal, and full of light fellow Beings.

5. Perfect wholly peaceful, good, eternal, and full of light Dwelling place or universe.

6. Perfect wholly peaceful, good, eternal, and full of light Creator-God-Father.
For if a god has an Evil persona or evil part, surely there would be no happiness. For not only this god have an evil persona he has also a Dark nature. For Evil is the force in Darkness. For this god who have an evil part can be provoked to anger and wrath and when he is provoked to anger and wrath, surely he will impute multitude of Evil things to those who have provoked him. Thus, there would be no happiness.
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