JAHN or the acronym for "Jibri And His Nous” is actually a collection of my best originally written articles for my boss, as well as the worse articles I have originally written.
Including also in this site are my best and worse forum postings in the web plus fresh brand new original insights from me.
Historical Background
JAHN or the acronym for "Jibri And His Nous" is my very first web blog site which I started since July 2008. I intend it to be online magazine but at the beginnings have struggle building it because of lack of knowledge, but now I have gain some, thus am bringing it back and redefine it and make it better.
First I change it from JAHN into "The Conscious Nous" but am not quite satisfied about it thus I make multiple blogs to learn something but now I learn a lot putting them all together.
This is so because I want to have my own website then, wherein I could express my thoughts or share my thoughts to the world in perchance I could help or contribute something useful.
About The Title
Actually, the title have personal religious connotation and not about bragging whatever as my childhood close friend then try to insinuate on me when we talk about it; perhaps why she said so because the Greek word “nous” connotes intelligence or common sense or suggest that I am bragging my common sense but that is her personal interpretation or impression.
Jibri. The word Jibri I pick it up from the Hebrew word for Gabriel; yes, it is not my real name actually. The word Gabriel as I learn means “god is my strength” and its Hebrew word is Jibri’el. El – is a Hebrew word for “god”;and Jibri – could mean “strength” or “my strength”. It is from its “strength” meaning I pick it up and use it to denote “Strength” in different language and to “god” who is “my strength”.
Nous. The word Nous, as all we know refers to “common sense”, ”intelligence”, ”knowledge”, etc. all related to intelligence. However, that is not my intention when this word comes up in my mind; just like the word Jibri it has also a religious connotation. It just comes up in my mind because I am studying Gnostic scriptures then and they refer this Greek word to a Male power and to “Knowledge”. I pick the definition “knowledge”
Therefore in short, Jibri And His Nous simply means “My strength (or Knowledge)”. Strength and Knowledge; for Knowledge is Power and Power is Strength; thus Knowledge is Strength and Strength is Knowledge.