Oldest Known Mayan Calendar Debunks December 2012 Myth
Published: May 10, 2012 By: JENNIE COHEN
History Channel
Archaeologists excavating at Xultún, a Maya site in
Guatemala, have discovered a room thought to have served as a workshop for scribes
and calendar priests more than 1,200 years ago. Its walls are adorned with
remarkably preserved paintings and writing, including calculations related to
the Mayan calendar. The scrawled numbers confirm what experts have been
proclaiming for years: the Mayan calendar does not predict that the world will
end on December 21, 2012.
Discovery at Xultún
Battered by time and largely uncharted, the archaeological site known as Xultún sprawls over 16 square miles in Guatemala’s Petén rainforest. It was home to tens of thousands of people in the age of the Maya, the powerful Mesoamerican empire that reached the peak of its influence around the sixth century A.D. and collapsed several hundred years later. Discovered in 1915, the once-thriving metropolis features the remains of thousands of structures, including buildings up to 115 feet high. Looters have robbed the site of many of its treasures and exposed previously sheltered ruins to the destructive elements.
Oddly enough, it was a looters’
trench that two years ago led to one of the most remarkable finds in the recent
history of Maya archaeology. In 2010, while participating in an excavation
directed by Boston University professor William Saturno, an undergraduate
student spied faint traces of pigment on a wall bared by looters. Saturno
examined the spot, located just several feet below the surface, but didn’t
expect to find anything substantial. “Maya paintings are incredibly rare, not
because the Maya didn’t paint them often but because they rarely preserve in
the tropical environment of Guatemala,” he explained.
Venturing deeper into what appeared
to be a surprisingly intact house, Saturno spotted additional murals more
unspoiled than the first. Once he and his team decided the structure warranted
a closer look, the race was on to protect it from the oncoming rainy season.
The National Geographic Society provided grants for the conservation work as
well as further excavations in 2010 and 2011. The resulting discoveries are
being reported in the June issue of National Geographic magazine and in the May
11 issue of the journal Science.
Figures on the Wall
Only 56 square feet in size, the room is decorated with murals dating back to roughly 800 A.D. on each of its three intact walls. The north wall features a seated king wearing an elaborate headdress with blue feathers, an attendant peeking out from behind the plumes. Painted on a recessed surface, this image could be hidden behind a curtain that hung from a partially preserved bone rod. Kneeling beside the king is a man holding a stylus, possibly to identify him as a scribe, Saturno said. The meaning of an accompanying label, which roughly translates to “Younger Brother Obsidian” or “Junior Obsidian,” remains unclear.
Three male figures painted in black
appear on the west well, each sporting identical feathered headdresses and
medallions. One of them is labeled “Older Brother Obsidian” or “Senior
Obsidian,” a title whose significance has yet to be understood. The east wall
of the room features a figure painted in black that has badly eroded due to its
proximity to the exterior.
An Astronomer’s Whiteboard
While the paintings are rare and intriguing, another element festooning the north and east walls proved even more astonishing to the researchers. Scrawled in red and black are charts of numbers represented by bars and dots in the typical Maya fashion. After examining the figures, experts realized they denoted time spans corresponding to cycles of the Mayan calendar. “This was a calculator, so to speak, for a calendar priest or a Maya astronomer to calculate moon ages,” said David Stuart, a professor of Mesoamerican art and writing at the University of Texas at Austin, who helped decipher the hieroglyphs.
Until now, Mayan astronomical tables
have only been found in books, most famously the 1,000-year-old text known as
the Dresden Codex. But the newly discovered examples, which predate the Dresden
Codex by at least 200 years, appear on the walls of a dwelling, scribbled
alongside artwork. For this reason, the researchers believe the room once
served as a workshop for scribes, calendar priests, mathematicians, astronomers
or others who would have been observing the heavens. While puzzling over a
formula or predicting the next eclipse, they would have conveniently worked out
their calculations right on the wall. “It’s kind of like having a whiteboard in
your office,” Stuart said.
Debunking the 2012 Myth
In recent years, popular culture has latched on to theories that the Maya predicted an apocalypse on December 21, 2012. That date corresponds to the end of the Mayan calendar’s current cycle, which lasts for 13 of the 144,000-day intervals known as baktuns. But scholars have long argued that, while Mayan astronomers saw each cycle’s conclusion as significant, they never foresaw an apocalypse. According to the researchers who studied the Xultún house, the calculations on the walls confirm once again that the Mayan calendar stretches far beyond this December. One notation in particular records an interval of 17 baktuns, a period of time that extends past the alleged doomsday.
“This sort of popular culture
conception of the Maya calendar having an expiration date on it is in and of
itself a fallacy,” Saturno said. He compared the system to odometers that reset
to zero after 99,000 miles because they can’t display more than five digits.
“If we’re driving a car, we don’t anticipate that at 100,000 miles the car will
vanish from beneath us,” he said. Stuart said that, rather than covering a
finite period of time, “the Maya calendar is going to keep going and keep going
for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future.”
Saturno acknowledged that the new
discovery might not sway people with absolute confidence in the December 2012
prediction. “I think that as a general rule, if someone is a hardcore believer
that the world is going to end in 2012, no painting is going to convince them
otherwise,” he said. What may do the trick, however, is waking up on December
22, he added.
Structure Excavated at XultúnIn 2010, a room featuring murals was discovered at the Maya archaeological site of Xultún, located in Guatemala’s Petén rainforest. Researchers believe it served as the studio of a scribe or calendar priest some 1,200 years ago. (Credit: Tyrone Turner/National Geographic) |
Panoramic View of MuralsOnly 56 square feet in size, the room is decorated with murals dating back to roughly 800 A.D. on each of its three intact walls. They feature a scribe, a king and three identical figures painted in black. (Credit: Tyrone Turner/National Geographic) |