Why there is Evil?

Usual Graphic Depiction of Evil
Iif we define Evil as the lack or absence of any Good within,therefore we can conclude that Evil do not exist because if Evil have that definition,perhaps there is no creation at all.For Evil if we define like that breeds on utter destruction of everything and even itself it will destroy.

But if we look and observe everything around us,that kind of definition of Evil do not actually exist but rather what exist more is the Good One because we can see beauty despite of unpleasant things happening around us,is not it? So what is this thing we call Evil?

Actually,Evil is just an act of selfishness or an egoistic acts that do not regards the welfare of others or that do not regards the goodness of others rather what it only regards is itself;what benefit or what goodness will oneself benefit from this act or plans.It is feeding the EGO.By feeding the EGO,one become megalomaniac and narcissistic.And from it one become greedy and cruel and lead to kill or murder others just only to protect or benefit oneself.

So where does this selfish attitude come from,which we call or label Evil?

My opinion is it came from our Imperfect nature.When we mean imperfect we mean from our imbalance nature.Imbalance of two major components,however,unfortunately  i can not share yet first to all of you because i am still studying it or there is no yet accurate information about it.

However,there many varying factors why one become Evil or selfish.

1.Poverty. Poverty comes into many kinds like (a) Financial Poverty. If one is so very financially poor,one will be tempted to steal,to rob anything one needs and covets and even this longings to have this and that leads to kill others because of envy and jealousy.(b) Spiritual Poverty and Intelligently Poor. If one lacks knowledge on this and that one can be used or exploited to do this stuff that could hurt other people.

2. Seeking Personal Justice or Justification. If one has been hurt unjustly and was not treated right,one will be tempted to undo the hurt others have cause on his being through revenge.
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