The God of the Universe and mortal man’s freewill have connection to one another like parts of a machine that works and operates together to run the universe. How?
God is the one who creates our circumstances and consequences which I in accordance to our own way of life we have chosen by our own freewill.Thus, if you change the way of life or the way of your life and choose the way of life God wants you to live, God can change your consequences as well as your circumstances.
We have only a freewill to choose a lifestyle or way of life we want to live but we have no freewill to order our circumstances as well as our consequences regarding our chosen way of life. This is the kind of freewill God has given us.A freewill only to choose but not a freewill to order and create, yet we could never conclude that we are the ones who creates our destiny.For God creates our destiny in accordance to what we have chosen way of life by our own freewill. God is the one that creates and not us but instead we compelled or force him to create and order it for us through our chosen way of life by our own freewill. We choose and God creates and orders for us but God creates and orders not accordingly to our desires,wills,and wants but rather to what our ways’ desires,wills,and wants or to what it requires and to what it produces and to what kind of consequences it requires.
How God orders and creates the circumstances and consequences of every chosen way of life of every man by every man’s own freewill? Simply, by the heart of man.What’s inside of it and what kind of heart it is.God measures and test the heart of every man before He will create and order what kind of circumstances and consequences a particular person must have or must undergo and God also weigh the spirit of the person if this person is capable of that circumstances or consequences or not. Jeremiah 17: 9-10 :”I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
Therefore, every man’s ways affects each everyone’s own ways. One’s own ways affects the circumstances of other’s man’s way, and the one that is affected, affects also the other. Each man’s own way is sewed to the other’s in chains, yet you could disentangle yourself from the chain if you change your way of life you have chosen which is in contrast in the chain. Thus for example, if you choose to be sinful and reject Jesus Christ as God’s own appointed Savior of mankind from man’s own sins, then you will pay the wages or consequences of your own chosen way of life that is sinful and ungodly, which its eventuality is death and death again in hellfire forever and no rest is granted on it, for this is what God has ordered to the way of life you have chosen by your own freewill, thus if you have still time change your way of life you have chosen by your own freewill but choose now the way of salvation of your soul or self, choose now to repent of all your sins before God personally in a contrite and broken spirit and heart, and accept/receive Jesus Christ’s blood as payment for your sins. Act Now! Decide Now! before it is too late!
This is the righteousness and graciousness of God, but if you are in chain and running with others in the same flood of iniquities, sinfulness, wickedness and evilness, you will also receive the end of this chain, which is destruction and death. Proverbs
Does this mean predestination is not true because God acted through man’s freewill to choose man’s own way of life or God operates on every man’s affairs on earth by man’s freewill to choose man’s own way of life? Predestination is also true in the sense that God uses our choices which we have chosen by our own freewill and the chain our choices has been chained as a way to lead us to the way we are predestined to. God has predetermined and preset the settings of our life – what kind of family your soul will be, what will be your economic status, what kind of personality you will have, what kind of siblings you will have, what kind of friends, what kind of job or even you will be jobless, and other things and situations that will fulfilled your predetermined and predestined destiny or destination.But because we have a freewill to choose, coercion or change took place to the things that should and predetermined to happened yet it will still happened but was only reset.Thus,this disobedience to the will of God by our coercion to our circumstances through our own freewill to choose,we suffer what we should not suffer for it is not predetermined for us to experienced it but because of our wrong decision or disobedience we received it as a prolongational situation before the predetermined situation will happen.There is a clash between our freewill and the will of God or God’s predestined destiny to our respective souls.Instead of experiencing early the predetermined situation for us,we experienced it late.However,despite of our disobedience to his will,it will not hamper the predetermined destiny God has predetermined and predestined to happen.Doing what God has predetermined and predestined to happen is obedience to his will.Like what Jesus of Nazareth have done eventhough he tried to coerce it through threefold sincere hard prayers to God,that it will not took place or will not happen to him.Jesus have an option to flee from it because he have a freewill to choose.He colud postphone the coming betrayal,persecution,and death through his own freewill to flee from it.That is,he could leave the apostles and go to far away places so that he could escape the coming predetermined betrayal,persecution,and death.But he realized that what is the sense of fleeing away from the predetermined or predestined destiny God has predetermined and predestined to happen to him if it will still happen no matter how many thousands of postphonements and fleeings he will do.He will only be exhausted and his fear and dread and agony will only be prolong,for it will still happen eventually.His only resort at that moment is to ask God – God the Predeterminer – to cancel it.For it is God alone who could canel it out.For it is God who predetermined and predestined it to happen.But God have rejected Jesus’ request.So,Jesus decided or made a choice through his own freewill at that moment,that the predetermined coming betrayal,persecution,and death of him should already happen now at that moment,so that his agony will no longer be prolong.He acceptedly obey what God has willed to happened to him.The predetermined or predestined destiny of Jesus happens because of his willful cooperation through his own freewill to come it to pass.
But,not all are like Jesus of Nazareth who knows beforehand their predetermined and predestined destiny that God has pretermined and predestined their souls to be.
Almost all the people upon the earth are ignorant of their predetermined and predestined destiny,yet unknowingly some cooperate to make it happen through their own freewill.That is,by the choices they have chosen by their own freewill.And this is the doctrine of predestination.That is,all happenings in the world are fixed by God according to some preconceived plan of him,and nothing happens fortuitously.Everything that anyone does is predestined and predetermined by God’s prior knowledge and prior decisions.Yet we could still choose freely,but this freedom or freewill is somewhat spurious or it is indeed spurious.For we act seemingly free and choose seemingly free and think we are really free.But sometimes our choices are in fact have been determined in advanced by God by his own will.God have already anticipated and expected our actions and decisions we made through our freewill by our willingness cooperation to do it.As if we are slave to his will eventhough we have freewill or freedom of choice,and eventhough we see ourselves as free people or free beings.
However,because of the boom of religious preachers around the world,some,according to them,have discovered their predetermined or predestined destinies.Yet,this is not a 100% sure.Thus,some resort to their own freewill,that is, they believe that they are the ones who created their own destiny by their own freewill or by the choices they have chosen or made.And they considered predestination not true.And this led them to atheism,agnosticism,and deism.The problem of those who believe solely on their own freewill to choose theirb destiny or to create their own destiny is their failure to see that eventhough they have freedom to choose the way of life they wanted to live,they are still confided by the predetermined laws of physics and especially by the predetermined laws of morality and by some influencing factors that influenced them to move this way and to decide this way.For there is a predetermined guiding factors that guides them to move,to think,to say,and to decide this way.There is an ultimate reason why they choose this kind of way of life,and this reason is already predetermined for them to adopt so as to choose or to live this kind of way of life they thought they freely choose it,whereas not.They are unaware that the spirit of predestination is already working in them through their freewill to choose,so that the predestination of their souls will come to pass.They become a laughingstock to the spirit of predestination which they rejected and refused to believe.What a shame!
Therefore,our freewill or freedom to choose is indeed spurious or not freedom at all.For does our freewill is inherently in us and no one bestowed it to us? Thus,there is a consequences to the choices we have made by our own freewill.Our own freewill is confined by predestination and determinism and most of all by the will of the Supreme being over us – God.