The Material Things & Blessing In A Believer

Should we expect material blessings from God in everything we do which we assume to be pleasing to God?in abundance? or should we not?

>In abundance or not,we should not.For God already knew our needs and he will give it eventhough we do not ask for it,but not in toomuch but sufficiently,for this is not really our needs.For material things could not sanctify us but instead it will only corrupt us and poison us because material things are corruptible things.For God didn't call us to be son of the this world but to be His son in the pleroma or kingdom of god.

We should no longer expect any material blessings or compensation from God to what we have done for we are no longer under the law,because our blessings from god is our eternal life which god has promised us to possess and not only eternal life god has promised us but also an inheritance of his power being his son now,an inheritance of his power,an inheritance of his wealth which is his creations including the earth.

We received this blessings not by any works we have done in accordance to what the law says us,but we received this blessing by his grace by his own will he freely give us this blessing.He gave us this blessing as a gift not a payment or compensation for any works we have done.We don't ask for it but by his will: he will to give us freely without any charge or prize or any condition;eventhough we do not expect it from him,god wanted us to expect it from him for he he have promised us it.What more could we ask from God if God freely gaves us all,is it material blessings,is it good circumstances,is it high-paying job,etc.,is it not enough the great blessings God has promised us to give freely without any charge?

Are we not sated enough to believe God's promised to us?His grace is already sufficient for us to live and survive.

What kind of blessings does we expect from God in every work we do if God offers us and gaves us freely without any charge a great blessing which is eternal life and inheritance and not the kind of blessings we expect and want from god which is material blessings and some earthly things.Therefore we should no longer expect any material blessings and earthly blessings from god in everything we do for we have already a great blessing we expect and demand from god which is already reaserved in heaven for us as god has promised us to received at the day of his coming.

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