Abundance Check?

"Method 5. Creating an Abundance Check
By Barry Goss
Creator and Author: Manifest Life – The Manifesting Mindset
This money mastery method is from Barry at Manifest Life, who
heard it from one of his manifesting mentors, Mentor #6,
featured inside his book "Conversations With the World's Top
Manifesting Mentors, Vol 1"
"Take a blank check out of your checkbook and on the date line
write down a date in the future (ensure it's out far enough to be
Make the check out to yourself for the amount of money you
wish to manifest. Make it a very large amount yet not too much
that you cannot imagine the feeling of receiving it.
Sign the check "Gift from The Universe" and in the memo area
write "Just for being YOU". Put the check in your wallet and
carry it around with you wherever you go. It will instantly start to
attract more money to you!
This exercise has worked wonders for many of this mentor's
clients. Mentor #6's clients have attracted more clients to their
business, and received miraculous monetary gifts out of the
Barry Goss is the originator of the Manifest Life Website,
probably the most complete website on manifesting on the
entire earth.
Note from Christopher - I've used this abundance check method
myself. Many of the richest people in the world have done
something very similar before manifesting their abundant life. It
takes bold action and confidence. Do it!
If you printed, go to http://icreatewisdom.com/red/barry.html "

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