False Knowledge/False Doctrine

False Knowledge/False Doctrine always misled people from the truth or true knowledge.It Leads people to depart from what is really right or good.

False Indoctrination is very dangerous it traps and snares people and lead people astray.

Causes of False Knowledge

1. Inaccuracy.
2. Arrogance
3. Wrong Mind-set
4. Lack of sufficient data or deficiencies
5. Early judgment and analysis
6. Hastiness
7. Bias or subjected intentions and motives
8. Afraid to go beyond or stupid obedience to confine oneself into one-sided thinking or mind-set.
9. Foolishness and ignorance
10. Dwelling within the boundaries of errors and lies.

Causes of Falsehood

1. Errors
2. Lies and deception
3. Foolishness
4. Ignorance
5. Arrogance
6. Lack of complete knowledge
Falsehood is everywhere,is not it but where is the truth?
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