Resume of Methods 1-6

The previous money mastery methods which i quoted from Christopher Westra's book are sane methods which any one of us could apply.The following are the summary from Methods 1-6.

1.The money envelope - it is about saving money at any amount,depositing them in a secured envelope or whatever secured container you want.In our Filipino culture this is called "alikansia" method.It is keeping any amount of money,it is like making your own bank.

2. Leaving Money Around - this method is just to calm our anxious mind from fretting "i do not have money".This method is to reset our mind-set of always thinking we donot have money or we lack money.Its a sane method to avoid or dispel our negative thoughts of thinking we do not have money.It is having a financial security method to convince our selves that there is nothing to worry about so that positive energy will flow in.For our thoughts create reality.As it says,whatever man thinks of himself,that is what he is.

3. Writing On Money - this method is just sending money a message.Wrting your thoughts into it so that money will go back to you.I just do not know how this works,but there are some who do it.They write on money.Have you not seen one?me i have seen one.

4. Let your expenses works for you - this is simply spending your money on items that have discounts,coupons,and money backs,and promos that could minimize your spending or could add additional money.It like having an interests while you spent.

5. Creating an Abundance check - this method is like creating a millionaire check for you and keeping it on your pocket wherever you wil go.If you don't have blank check you can write on a piece of paper the large amount you want and keep it on your pocket wherever you make business.Try it if it works.:)

6. Money Downpour Visualization - this method is just thinking positively and faithfully that you are rich as if you live in abundance.Thoughts have power you know,this the real purpose of harness positive monetary energy cash inflows.

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