How to Make Unauthorized Money

coins and bills
 Unauthorized - means not approved and under control of the one who have authority over it.
  Authorized - approved by the one who has authority.

The money we use are Authorized money or money with the consent and approval of the one who has Authority over us Like the Head of State or an Emperor like Julius Caesar who has his own money. However,there are money who are so called "fake money',but actually they are not 'fake" but they are just unauthorized or have no legality or permission to use by the one who have Authority.They are not rightly called "fake money" rather Unauthorized Money instead.Like "jueteng".Jueteng is branded as an illegal game because it was not authorized by the one who has authority or its playing have no consent and approval of the one who has Authority.But you can not call jueteng "fake jueteng" or "fake game",is not it?

Here some steps to make unauthorized money.

1. First,if you want to make your own it by own imagination and sign it by your authority. However,if you want to copy the Authorized money,you can scan it on a scanner and edit it either on Adobe Photoshop Software or any picture editing software.

2. After you have edited it perfectly,print it on a standard or special money paper.

3. There you have it.Reproduce it and be an INSTANT MILLIONaire.

4. It is just simple.We only suffer due to lack of money because of the control and authority and power of the one who has Authority over us.We are SLAVE of the One who has Authority.

This suggestion tips is not recommending that one should aspire to make unauthorized money but it is just to inform how money can be made.


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