AIDS Virus Legacy

The Gift Of Transfer

If one will be given a gift unsolicited that will bring a legacy, what will you choose, a gift of life that will bring a legacy of hope and happiness or a gift of death that will bring a legacy of hopelessness and sorrow? Of course, you will choose the gift of life if you have really a freewill to choose the gift but in case of unsolicited gift that will be given to you without your liking and want or without your consent like the virus gifts that has been given to you unsolicited by a complete stranger along your way, what will you do? Will you say “thank you for the gift”?

Truly, sometimes mortal life sucks, what you do not want to happen happens and what you do not want to receive, you received. But there is a way out from a “sucking-fucking life” one experiences or experiencing, that is – knowledge or Awareness. Awareness of what have befell into you and what will you do to undo it. Awareness of the existence of this “shiit” and how to avoid it so that it will not suck your life-blood.
Virus is the unsolicited gift we both human and animals received from the creator of it and pass on to us humans and animals which we transfer to our fellow humans and to animals. The most active virus transfer the world has received is the AIDS virus or Acquired immune deficiency syndrome/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, aside from Bird Flu Virus and SARS.

This December, everyone who is aware of this famous virus will be wearing a red ribbon to symbolize their awareness of it. Though the spread of this virus has been decline in number in other countries of the world, as the world reports about AIDS said, but in the Philippines the number just got an increase as the Department of Health recently reports since 2009 up to the present year. The infected victims as the reports said were predominantly young homosexual adults and straight OFWS.

Thus, the Department of Health rigorously promotes the use of condoms for both men and women while in the heat of action on bed, to avoid being given by the gift and be part of the legacy of this worldwide deadly virus.

Sex is the primary transmission channel so that this gift may be channeled to you, unknowingly if you are sex addict and not aware of the gift. The gift has been successfully downloaded (or transfer) into your system and will be automatically activated in the following days. Congratulations! You have now the AIDS software in your system. Enjoy the software while it last your existence.

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