The Happy Pinoy

Modern day fast-paced and workaholic lifestyle wherein our time for sufficient rest and relaxation has been hi-jacked by the inventions of light bulbs, computers, televisions, radios, etc. and other technologies and inventions that extend our daytime and sometimes makes us sleepless, has brought multiple stress-related diseases like depression, anxiety disorders, Hypertensions, heart attacks, diabetes, and other modern-day illness and diseases, which not only robs our physical body to have a sufficient break but also eats up our ability to stay constantly at peace, positive and happy. A suicidal rate has now been part of every country in the world.

With all of these, how can such group of people or nation in the world stay laughing out loud the problems and worries they are facing? ; For recent reports reveals that the Pilipinos are one of the most happy people in the world today. Wow, that is really good news for people seeking to be inflicted with a Happy diseases. But how can Pilipino stay happy and positive despite of the attacks and onslaughts of problems, diseases and calamities, whereas some other races succumb to suicide and depression? This is one of the mystery attitudes of Pilipinos aside from being a talented race which the other nations admire and enamored with.
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