Brief Summary: Bank rates on the famous Bankrate site could be doubtful though it comes from respected and credible banking institutions because bank rates just tell you how much money the bank will get from you. That is terrible awareness, is not it?
Who owns the bank? Obviously it is not you, though you do banking activities, have bank accounts, credit cards, debit cards, and other banking materials and transactions. So who runs the bank and charge bank rates on every banking transaction you do? Maybe the bank manager or the bank teller??Sounds funny, but seriously who owns the central bank and World Bank and manipulate it? Who gives command to International Monetary Fund?I know this is silly, but of course you will say the owners of the central bank and the World Bank and the IMF which are the countries involved on their ownership. And this respective country creates or make what amount of bank rates they will implement to their affiliate banks, like your local banks. So where do they base their rates of what amount they will charge or what kind of bank rates they will implement? Of course, they will just interfere personally about it but I guess they base their rates for many factors happening around the world and within a respective country on the basis of what the current economic situation of it. For bank rates can be inversely proportional to the changes in economy of a particular economy. That is, if the current economy status of a specific country is bad, the bank rates increases and it depends how band the economy is. How worse is the economy is how beyond the ceiling is the charge on bank rates the bank will charge. While if the current economy of a particular country is great and good and increasing, the charge on bank rates then decreases. I know you will wonder how and why is this so. This is so because on a country where its current economy is going down the drain, banks will not gain any money from the elites and working class of the particular country so what the banks will do in order to increase their profits, they will increase the charge on bank rates. Do you get it already? Thus money can be suffocated or your money can be absorb in large amount from your pocket by the bank unknowingly because they could make the economic status of a particular country worse by staging scenarios that will depress the economy of a particular country like staged terrorism, staged recession.etc. So as what I ask you a while ago, who owns the bank? If you don’t owns the bank you don’t own also your money if you do banking business in a bank because it is the bank who controls your money and not you. You just thought it is you who manage your money but actually them.
Even though you look frequently the bank rates on the website called Bankrate or on the Bankrate website for any money rates like mortgage rates or loan rates, still you don’t own your money which you thought you own it because you don’t own the bank. It is the bank who owns your money because the bank can decide what amount of money the bank will get from you through bank rates. They could get all your money as long as they want but you, you cannot get your money from the bank once you have made a terrible mistake in making banking transaction and eventually you will have debts to the bank.So who owns your money?
Money Suffocation?
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May 18, 2012 at 6:29 AM
test test comment page
May 18, 2012 at 6:33 AM
hay naku