Paying Acts

Pay Or Exchange?

Brief Summary: To or not to pay or keep your money and avoid paying taxes, paying bills, etc, but you can’t because paying is an inevitable activity we done every day.

When you say “I have to pay my bills”, as if you owe something and if you don’t pay it, severe consequences will be done to you. Paying or paying bills for instance is becoming a connotation of somewhat financial obligations and doubt that one must liable with else you will pay the price forcibly. But that should not be that way because paying (paying bills, paying taxes, etc.) is just an exchange you give for the services and goods they bring and offer to you. And what you exchange or barter for it is not a box of chocolate or whatever, rather of course, money; money is the one you give in exchange for services and goods they offer and bring to you. For that is what they demand you for an exchange in their services or goods they bring and sell to you, respectively. And the money they demand from you is not how much you could afford of or how many money you wish to give to them in exchange for their service or goods, rather they have a paying rates of how much you should exchange for their services or goods. 

The paying rates depends on their wishes how much they will exchange their services or goods to you and not you who will do the rating for the exchange or barter. The paying rates are obviously the price of a good and services which we pay. Thus, if you can’t pay the price, don’t oblige yourself to pay else if you do so, you will have debts. Paying debts is harder than paying bills because if you have debts you will suffer the consequences of paying and not paying it.

Therefore, it is important that if you don’t have any sufficient money to enter into barter or any money to exchange, don’t oblige yourself because you will only inherit problems.

However, though we don’t want to complicate ourselves to this kind of problem, still the government or country we dwell in forcibly implicate us to this financial problem – that is through Taxes. As a citizen or foreigner, we are oblige to pay taxes in exchange for the government service we use like democracy or free to do what you want to do within the country. Yap we pay democracy or democratic services in a democratic form of government. We want democracy or freedom, so we pay its run or process and services incurred in it, is not it? Requesting for a democratic form of government in a particular country is not free, there is payment for it.

Another taxes we pay in exchange for government services is the taxes for legitimacy for doing business matters within the country, like buying and selling goods and offering services. Before you could trade in a specific country, you have to pay first the legitimacy of your trading activities within the country; money in exchange of the legitimacy of your trade, that’s it!

Paying taxes is really burdensome because it is inevitable exchange or barter of money forcibly.

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