Many religious doomsayers especially Christian doomsayers like for example Mr.Harold Camping loves to to scare their blind believers about Judgement day of God,End of the world,God's day of wrath,etc.that they should repent else they will go to "hell" and be judge by "god" has become a major religious topic and even the Islam religion has it.Moreover,even though the atheists community would not express demonstratively,they have fear about it because they are uncertain regarding this issue.However,if Judgement day and end of the world is only base on the fraud book called "bible" and from the illogical books of religious freaks,it is indeed True and Fact with strong confidence that the "end of the world" is basically and utterly NOT TRUE and NOT a FACTUAL future events.
But if you use science and advanced technology,the "end of the world" could be indeed TRUE and a FACTUAL future event because any advanced and high scientific weapon could blow up the entire planet asunder,thus it could be the real 'end of the world".However,the fate of the planet is in the hands of those genius scientists who has that powerful weapon technology that could blow up the planet into pieces.
Furthermore,if we who dwell in the planet let our planet die but abusing its natural sustenance for our selfish gains.Or if an alleged Alien Being with powerful mass destructive weapon comes in our way to control our planet.
Lastly,the "end of the world" could be TRUE and FACTUAL event if it is indeed that the planet dies naturally,but that is only "If".
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