Educational Websites are websites of course that tends to educate the readers,however,it is not actually the way it is all the time,rather educational websites could mean websites with Dot edu (.edu); like
But sites ending like this are somewhat very hard to search on search engines with just a plain search keyword like ".edu site" or "educational websites" for the results will become different.
But i will share here to you how...
1. On search box of a search engine like google,type a keyword or whatever topic you wanted to search,then next to it type "site" then search..
you will have then a list or results of all .edu site in pertinent to the keyword you search..

But sites ending like this are somewhat very hard to search on search engines with just a plain search keyword like ".edu site" or "educational websites" for the results will become different.
For website owners,back linking their site to a an educational website is vital for them to gain traffic and revenues as well,however,it is hard to find .edu website and a .edu websites that has post comment widget..
But i will share here to you how...
1. On search box of a search engine like google,type a keyword or whatever topic you wanted to search,then next to it type "site" then search..
like this image for example :