What Is Sin For You?

Choose one of the following,for you is Sin:

1. Separation from the Light
2. Transgression of Adam & Eve
3. Transgression from the Mosaic Law
4. Disobedience from the Decalogue
5. Doing Evil to others
6. Having a Pagan or Non-Jewish beliefs
7. Carnal or Earthly Desires
8. Rebellion against your own country
9. Self- Righteous and Self -conceited acts

Explain and expound it.


I may not agree with all the nine catagories as you have mentioned.I believe any thing you do against the divine will of one God Almighty is a sin.The biggest sin is POLYTHEISM,which means associating Prophets,saints,priests,idols and any other creature with one God Almighty.This is an unpardonable sin whereas MONOTHEISM is the biggest virtue.

Among all the sin, great sin is forgetting the help that others offered you during your distress. Whether it is a small help or big help. Nobody should forget the help that they have taken from others. You should reciprocate the help or do not do harm to them. People on the earth suffer because they fail to remember the help that they received from others. They are being punished by Almighty more than the murderer. What is sin. Why it is committed by human being. Sin committed by people by their character. If one man hold good character he will not do any act amounts sin whereas bad man commits the sin because of his bad character. Therefore, when a man/woman dies, he/she carry with him/her only character. When he/she take rebirth, he born with the same character. At his next birth, he may not have the same circumstances and situation where he born. Since his character remains the same, he will continue to do harm to people, at that time, he will be punished severely. Birth after birth, due to the punishment he got, he mends his character to a good man. Therefore sin is nothing but result of character of the person


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