Will Good Works Justify False Faith?

What do you think,will your so called"good works" enough for you to be saved and go to heaven eventhough you donot have true faith in God,eventhough you worship and served false gods and goddess?

For examples:
1. You do all the possible good works you know but you donot believe in god or you are an atheist.
2.You do all the possible good works you know but you worship and serve satan.

therefore,what will justify a man,by his good works or by his true faith?

Both are needed by man to be able to be saved.You can not do good if you are serving Satan.Now if you are serving a god that is pretending to be true although its false,its not your fault you will be judged by your good works.

In the first example doing good without believing is dependent on how you come up with your disbelief is it out of total ignorance because you were born without somebody telling you that there is God good works can save you but if you know that there is God and you still deny him good works will do nothing to save simply because you do have faith but still it is good works. While the second one I think if you serve Satan good works for you is to deceive others and if you are a believer you know that it is not good works at all simply because it is a deception in guise of good works. In the Bible St. James letter tells us that Faith without action is a dead faith. When we believe in God it should permeates our life and action because good works is the manifestation of our faith. How can we say we believe in God while we neglect our needy brothers and sisters, or how can we say that we have faith if we close our eyes from the injustice that we see in our society. So good works also apart from faith has no effect on your salvation simply because you do not believe but still it remains a good work only viewed in a secular way not in a religious perspective.

People use this example a lot in attempts to try to get me to change my beliefs. They know that I do a lot of "good works" but that my religious beliefs aren't the same as theirs, and they think that pointing out to me that my good works won't save me will make a difference.

The problem with this question is the "false faith" and "false gods" ideas. You believe your God is real, and other people believe their Gods are real, or that no God is. I don't serve false gods, I serve my gods. I rely on them to see to my afterlife. So I don't worry about whether "good works" will save me at all.


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