Why There Is Government?
There is government because there is the existence of superior beings and inferior beings. The Superior Being, being superior, presides over the inferior beings. Like God and man and man and animals or beast. Thus, there is government. The Superior governs the inferior.
The harmony and situation of the creations depends largely from the persona, attitude, and nature of the Superior Beings. For from their personas, attitude, and nature will their ruling or government toward and over the inferior Beings be dependent of. If they have a Perfect and good personas, nature, and attitude, surely, Perfection and goodness the inferior Beings will experienced under them. However, if they have an imperfect or deficient, evil personas, attitudes, and nature, surely imperfections, weakness, and evil, the inferior Beings will also experience.
Therefore, if there is no Superior and Inferior Beings, if every being are equal to one another, there is no government, no kingdom and there is no nation. For there is no Ruling Being and there is no Ruling Power then. There is no one who has the authority then. For Ruling means Government or governing, and Government means Ruling.
Why there is Law?
There is a law because there is an ignorance and deficiency of Light, of Goodness, and of Truth. Ignorance of what is good, what is evil, ignorance of what Light is, and what is Darkness. It is like the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Gnosis in the Garden of Eden. The fruit teaches us what is good and what is evil, what is pleasing and what is displeasing.
The purpose of the law is to teach us – we who are in this world – about what is good and what is evil .However, it does not make anyone who obeys it zealously, Righteous and Good. For it does not take away our sins but rather it only restrains the sin. Thus, the law contains: “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t touch this, don’t eat this, etc., etc.” For the law is only a mere set of commands for abstaining and restraining oneself from doing something which has an evil consequences. Why?
For there is ignorance of what is good and what is evil and of Light and Darkness.
Yet sometimes the law fails to do its task and mission. For the lawmakers and lawgivers are also imperfect – imperfect weak beings. Thus, because they are imperfect and weak, how can they create perfect laws? For imperfections will not produce or will not create perfection. Their laws become also imperfect and weak.
For an imperfect being is deficient of wisdom, of perfect wisdom. Thus, what he/she does have is a spark of imperfections or have tendencies to fail and vulnerability to commit mistakes. For he/she is not Perfect.
Thus, the law could not make anyone who zealously obey it, righteous or justified before God. Rather, the presence or existence of the law makes everyone of us guilty of sin or sinful and evil. For the law will not say “do good” if we are already good. Thus, for as long as the law says “Do Good”, we remain Evil and Sinful before God. Thus, our sin remains before God. Thus, the law does not make anyone who obeys it righteous before God.
Only when the law ceased and stop to command “Do Good”, only then we could be truly good, or already good and justified before God. For as long as the law exists, sin and evil also exist. Moreover, when sin and evil exist, punishment, judgement, and death exist. Hell and Destruction is not quenched and abolished then.
Only when the law is abolished, sin and evil is also abolished. Moreover, when sin and evil is abolished, punishments, judgement, and death is abolished. Moreover, hell and destruction is abolished. For sin, evil, punishment, judgement, death, and Hell gets their power over mortal humankind from the Law.
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