Why Do We Work? Why There Is Work?
Why there is work? There is work because there is poverty. Why do we work? We work because we are poor. For if there is no poverty and if we are not poor, we will not work but rather we will just sit down, relax, and rest.
Perhaps, you just wonder that I am only philosophizing it. Certainly, I am not joking it. But rather this is the real reason why there is work and why we work. This is a profound spiritual reason.
We are poor because we are in a world of poverty and in a body that is weak, imperfect, mortal, and corruptible, that is susceptible to suffering, pain, etc.
Take for example our mortal weak body, if we do not work to feed it, our body will be weak, will given to sickness, and eventually we will die. If we do not work to seek food to feed it daily and if we stop feeding it daily, surely we will die. And why this happen? That is, because we have a Poor body! We are Poor ! Poor in strength because it fades. Poor in life because we die. Poor in power because we become weak.
For if we have a Rich body, and if we are Rich, surely we will not given to weakness, sickness and death. For our body then is eternal or immortal. And if our body and life is eternal, our life, strength, and power then is Fixed or Eternal or it does not fades away. Therefore, if our life is eternal or fixed, if our strength and power eternal or fixed, we do not have to work anymore just to sustain it ! For t is already then Fixed or Eternal. We do not have to worry of how we could sustain our life, strength, and power. For we are already Rich and abundant and Wealthy of it. Thus, instead of working, we will just Relax and Rest forever in an anxious-free and worry free existence. For we are Rich then.
We are poor because we are in the world of poverty. The World of Poverty is our world full of imperfections, weakness, evil and wickedness,darkness,ignorance,errors,lies,falsehood,sin,sorrow,tribulation,sufferings,etc.,etc.
Moreover, we are poor for we do not produce our sustenance but we acquire and seek them like a beggar who begs,like a stealer who snatches purse of money,like a scavenger that scavenges garbage to find food or sustenance.We are like a child fighting for a single candy,fighting for a single toy,for we forget that we are not the giver but only the begging receiver.The consumer not the producer.
We are helplessly poor when we grab every opportunity in our way to make us secure for our sustenance which our bare necessities. In order we may be abundant and rich for our needs.We surround our possessions with high fences and established a law for it to safeguard our possessions.We hesistate to give when someone ask for his/her needs.For I say,we are helplessly poor living only on the materials we have acquired and will plan to acquired.We have no enough to give and let not worry for ourselves that our supply may result to scarcity.But we are full of anxieties of where to get our needs,for we are helplessly poor.And have no capacity to fill our barns every seconds and to give to others abundantly and exceedingly without having to worry for our own needs and necessities.
We have to work means we have to fight the weakness, deficiencies or imperfections,sickness,lies,errors,death,sorrows,sufferings,mortality,etc.,etc. of the world we are IN, in order to survive. For if we do not fight or work, these fierce elements of poverty will Devour and swallow up us wholly.
The powers we use to fight back the fierce elements of poverty, are the elements of Richness : Good, Love, Patience, Mercy, etc.,etc. These elements of Richness help us relieve the pain and torments and sorrows which the fierce elements of Poverty pierced our souls and have maul and flogged our weak bodies.
These elements of Richness help us to carry on the battle. Yes, we are in the battle between Poverty and Richness, between Work and Rest. And because we are in the Realm or world of Poverty, it is sometimes hard to fight back.
Therefore, Work will only cease if we are already Rich, and if we are already in the World or Realm of Richness.