[Linked text below reference Mead's Comments, which begin on page 31]
Glory to Thee, Father!
(And we going round in a ring answered to Him:)
Glory to Thee, Word (Logos)!
Glory to Thee, Grace (Charis)!
Glory to Thee, Spirit!
Glory to Thee, Holy One!
Glory to Thy Glory!Amen!
We praise Thee, O Father;
We give Thanks to Thee, O light;
In Whom Darkness dwells not!Amen!
(For what we give thanks to the Logos).
[Or, if we adopt the "emended" text: For what we give thanks, I say:]
I would be saved; and I would save.
I would be loosed; and I would loose.
I would be wounded; and I would wound.
[Or, I would be pierced; and I would pierce.
Another reading has:
I would be dissolved (or consumed for love); and I would dissolve.]Amen!
I would be begotten; and I would beget.
I would eat; and I would be eaten.
I would hear; and I would be heard.
[I would understand; and] I would be understood; being all Understanding (Nous).
[The first cause I have supplied; the last is probably a gloss.]
I would be washed; and I would wash.
I would play a dirge; lament ye all.
The one Eight (Ogdoad) sounds (or plays) with us.
The Twelfth number above leadeth the dance.
All whose nature is to dance [doth dance].
Who danceth not, knows not what is being done.
I would flee; and I would stay.
I would be adorned; and I would adorn.
[The clauses are reversed in the text.]
I would be at-oned; and I would at-one.
I have no dwelling; and I have dwellings.
I have no place; and I have places.
I have no temple; and I have temples.
I am a lamp to thee who seest Me.
I am a mirror to thee who understandest Me.
I am a door to thee who knockest at Me.
I am a way to thee a wayfarer.
See thyself in Me who speak;
And seeing what I do,
Keep silence on My Mysteries.Understand by dancing, what I do;
For thine is the Passion of Man
That I am to suffer.Thou couldst not at all be conscious
Of what thou dost suffer,
Were I not sent as thy Word by the Father.
[The last clause may be emended: I am thy Word; I was sent by the Father.]Seeing what I suffer,
Thou sawest Me as suffering;
And seeing, thou didst not stand,
But wast moved wholly,
Moved to be wise.Thou hast Me for a couch; rest thou upon Me.
Who I am thou shalt know when I depart.
What now I am seen to be, that I am not.
[But what I am] thou shalt see when thou comest.If thou hadst known how to suffer,
Thou wouldst have power not to suffer.
Know [then] how to suffer, and thou hast power not to suffer.That which thou knowest not, I Myself will teach thee.
I am thy God, not the Betrayer's
I would be kept in time with holy souls.
In Me know thou the Word of Wisdom.
Say thou to Me again:
Glory to Thee, Father!
Glory to Thee, Word!
Glory to TheSe, Holy Spirit!
But as for Me, if thou wouldst know what I was:
In a word I am the Word who did play [or dance] all things, and was not shamed at all.
'Twas I who leaped [and danced].But do thou understand all, and, understanding, say:
Glory to Thee, Father!
(And having danced these things with us, Beloved, the Lord went forth. And we, as though beside ourselves, or wakened out of [deep sleep, fled each our several ways.
October 11, 2008 at 9:22 AM
where this taken?