Why Religion Is Not Ilegal?

"religion is the most destructive force there have ever been. the crusades, holocaust, darfar, desert storm, the war in the middle east right now. if there were no relgion trillions of people would not have died by the harshness of a sword blade, grenade, or machine gun. instead they might have a chance to live a humble peaceful life of tolerance and understanding. and please none of that b.s. on how religion saves lives. and is a nessecity of a good life. because honestly anyone can set there own morals and be self dependant with out the help of an diety whoes existance is unknown. "

Why religion isn't illegal?Because we cannot force one to believe to what we believe,else chaos and troubles will be the result of it.Thus,it could never be implemented on one particular nation that this should be the religion of this nation.What you are thinking to make religion illegal GENERATES MORE KILLINGS AND CHAOS.For America then will force the Islam nation to become christian,else if Muslims will resist they will be slaughtered.I,i will force you to believe what i believe,do you like? You could not eliminate Religion,for without it everyman will not able to live or will die.For there would be no any reason for man to live.Man only lives because he believe that.....(etc.etc.)I will ask you,why do you live each day?why you do this?why you donot do that?If you donot have any answers to these questions,then YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!See now the importance of Religion,and why it cant be made illegal. I hope you are now enlighten.


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