Yes there is a dilemma of sinning against the Mosaic ten commandments because if sin is a transgression of the Mosaic Laws particularly and especially the widely famous ten commandments,therefore,what sin does the Gentiles or non-Jewish people have committed since they are not subjected to it or not subjected under the Mosaic Laws especially the ten commandments?Moreover,these gentile people are alien to it?
Therefore,does sin really means transgression of the Law of Moses particularly the Ten Commandments?If so,why does the Gentiles were also labeled as Sinners?!What repentance they will repent?what sin they will confess and ask forgiveness,since they are alien and are not subjected to the commandments and laws of the God of Israel or to the Ten Commandments?
Therefore,does sin really means transgression of the Law of Moses particularly the Ten commandments?What does Sin really mean?
Will the God of Israel condemn the gentiles in account that they have not keep and observe the Ten Commandments?or his commandments and laws which he gave to Moses wherein these gentile people were alien and not subjected to it if sin is the transgression of his laws and commandments?How unjust he will be then or is it He is not Really the One True God but just a "Warrior God" of the Nation of Israel as some scholars so called him and as the Jewish people themselves look unto him?
....to be continue....:)