Four Conditions That Does Not Defile A Man

The following are conditions that does not make a man an unclean man or unclean man.

1. Uncleanliness on the outside.For example,unwashed hands when eating,not taking a bath or poor personal hygiene,uncleaned and disordered house or room,and other similar sort.

2. Any works that is reflected or projected on the outside or outwardly to be a Pure,holy and good.For this does not make a a man sanctified,purified or clean. For example fake projected chastity,humility,charity,etc.

3. Outward conditions such as mute lame,blind or any physical disorder or ailment.

4. Spiritual condition.It does not necessarily make a person unclean or defile.

One Condition That Really Defile a Man : it is what is inside his/her heart and mind,that is, an evil heart and mind.
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