What is the difference between a good wise person and an ignorant foolish person?
1. A good and wise person is not insecure on other's work but understands and learns and got a brand new ideas from other people's work.For he is always looking ways to learn and gain knowledge on everything.He is not prideful for he know that pride is foolish and toxic to his brain.
>>>>>But an Ignorant Foolish or Simple person got angry,mad,envious and insecure when he saw other's work is much better than his own work.Why? because his pride is hurt because he thinks highly about himself or about his work.Thus,he slander and throw negative criticism against the work of the person he is insecure of and as well as to the person he is insecure of.Rather learning from it he scoff and slander like a beast to other people's work.Why? because he is foolish.
2. A good and wise person value knowledge and is preoccupied to acquire wisdom.For he believes without knoweldge how can he be success?how can he cure his illnesses when he got sick?When disaster strikes what he will do?etc.etc.
>>>>>But an Ignorant Foolish or Simple person does not care about anything he just taken everything lightly,thus when storm came he was carried away and devastated.
...........to be continue... :))