Money Manifesting Envelope |
The first Method is about keeping or saving a little of your income into an envelope,just like saving money in a bank.
This method of how to have "cash inflows" is so easy to do yet it takes discipline not to touch the money you save or keep in the envelope or any thing which you could save a little part of your income safely and securely.
yes,it doesn't have to be an envelope but any safe container will do.
Here is the method :
"Method 1. The Manifesting Envelope
By Christopher Westra
Author: I Create Reality – Beyond Visualization
This money mastery method is one that I have grown into, and
it really works for me.
First, decide on an item you want that will cost a bit of money.
You may have that amount of money, but not choose to spend
your savings on this item right now. Be patient.
Second, get an envelope and write on the front your goal item,
for example, trampoline, piano, Disneyland, or new car.
Third, make a deposit into the envelope. $100 if you can, or just
$5 if that's what you have right now. Write the date and the
amount on the front of the envelope.
Every week or every two weeks, simply make another deposit,
listing the date, amount, and total amount that is accumulating.
Your deposits start to get bigger, the amount grows, and your
faith that you can actually purchase this item increases also.
Pretty soon you have enough to buy the piano, or take the trip
to Disneyland, and this money is "set aside" for that specific
There are side benefits from this technique also. After you
purchase your first item, use the same envelope for another
item. Always have a little cash in your "cache" building for
something that you want.
You will develop patience, discipline, and a sense of wealth by watching the amount grow.
Your confidence will grow also by seeing the items you have
already achieved.
My envelope was my Disneyland fund, my monitor fund, and is
now my Molokai (Hawaii) fund.
Keep the envelope somewhere handy. When you spend the
money, do so in a joyful, trusting manner. That's what money is
for - to spend on living life and serving others. "