Everyone of us succumb to the carnal urge within us and desiring to be gratified at any means or ways resulting for some to have an addiction to it that leads it to a Sexual Disorder.
Find yourself from the following if you have one.
Types of Sexual Disorders
1.Hypo Active Sexual Desire Disorder. - refers to a persistently or recurrently deficient or absent of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity.
2. Sexual Aversion Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent extreme aversion to and avoidance of all or almost all genital sexual contact with a sexual partner.
3. Male Erectile Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent inability to attain or to maintain an adequate erection until a completion of sexual activity.
4. Male Orgasmic Disorder - refers to persistent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal excitement phase.
5. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent inability to attain or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity,an adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement.
6.Female Orgasmic Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase.
7. Premature Ejaculation - refers to persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before,on or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it.
8. Dyspareunia - refers to recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse in either a male or a female.
9. Vaginismus - refers to recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse.
10. Exhibitionism - exposure of genitals to stranger or in public,usually in order to obtain sexual gratification.
11. Fetishism - sexual excitement or gratification obtained habitually from an inanimate object or a part of the body.E.g.,female or male undergarments,the transvestite gays and lesbians who take sexual gratifiction in wearing female and male clothings and undergarments,respectively.
12. Frotteurism - recurrent intense sexually arousing fantasies,sexual urges,or behaviors involving touching and rubbing agaisnt a nonconsenting person.(Madikit kalang sa kanya....un na! )
13. Pedophilia -sexually aroused by children and involves sexual activity of any type - masturbatory,oral,anal or genital - with a pubertal child.
14. Hebephilia - closely related to pedophilia.It is consistent preference for sexual relations with young adolescents up to the age of sixteen years old.
15. Sexual Masochism - sexual gratification obtained through suffering bodily or mental pain.Involves recurrent intense sexually arousing fantasies,sexual urges or behaviors involving the act (real,not simulated) of being humiliated,beaten,bound,or otherwise made to suffer.
16. Sexual Sadism - the attainment of sexual gratification through the infliction of bodily or mental pain to others by physical or verbal means.
17. Transvestism or transvestic fetishism - obtaining sexual gratification by wearing clothes appropriate to the opposite sex (literally,"cross dressing")
18.Voyeurism or "Peeping Tom" (paninilip) - also termed as Scoptophilia.It consists of obtaining sexual gratification through observation of the genitals or sexual behaviours or sexual acts of others.Voyeurs obtain sexual gratication by seeing others undressed or perform sexual intercourse.
19. Nymphomania -insatiable impulse to sexual gratification in women.Satyriasis.Insatiable impulse to sexual gratification in men.
20. Oro-genital and Ano-genital Activities.- Oro-genital activity or cunnilingus is the opposition of the mouth to the female genitals,and Ano-genital activity or fellatio is the opposition of the mouth to the male genitals.
21. Sodomy - anal-genital intercourse between males.Pederasty,if it occurs between a man and a boy.
22.Telephone Scatologia -the making of obscene phone calls,such as describing one's masturbatory activity in great details;threatening to rape the victim,or trying to find out about the victim's sexual activities.
23. Necrophilia - deriving sexual gratification from viewing or having sexual contact with a corpse.
24. Zoophilia or Destiality -having sex with animals or having recurrent fantasies of sex with animals.
25. Coprophilia - deriving sexual pleasure from contact with feces.
26.Klismaphilia -deriving sexual pleasure from the use of enemas.Enemas is the fluid injected to the rectum.
27.Urophilia -deriving sexual pleasure from contact with urine.
28.Autogonistophilia -deriving sexual pleasure from having sex in front of others.
29.Somnophilia - having sex with a sleeping person.
30.Autonepiophilia -wearing diapers for sexual pleasure.
31. Promiscuity - Nonselective sexual intercourse with a variety of partners.


Find yourself from the following if you have one.
Types of Sexual Disorders
1.Hypo Active Sexual Desire Disorder. - refers to a persistently or recurrently deficient or absent of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity.
2. Sexual Aversion Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent extreme aversion to and avoidance of all or almost all genital sexual contact with a sexual partner.
3. Male Erectile Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent inability to attain or to maintain an adequate erection until a completion of sexual activity.
4. Male Orgasmic Disorder - refers to persistent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal excitement phase.
5. Female Sexual Arousal Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent inability to attain or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity,an adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement.
6.Female Orgasmic Disorder - refers to persistent or recurrent delay or absence of orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase.
7. Premature Ejaculation - refers to persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before,on or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it.
8. Dyspareunia - refers to recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse in either a male or a female.
9. Vaginismus - refers to recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse.
10. Exhibitionism - exposure of genitals to stranger or in public,usually in order to obtain sexual gratification.
11. Fetishism - sexual excitement or gratification obtained habitually from an inanimate object or a part of the body.E.g.,female or male undergarments,the transvestite gays and lesbians who take sexual gratifiction in wearing female and male clothings and undergarments,respectively.
12. Frotteurism - recurrent intense sexually arousing fantasies,sexual urges,or behaviors involving touching and rubbing agaisnt a nonconsenting person.(Madikit kalang sa kanya....un na! )
13. Pedophilia -sexually aroused by children and involves sexual activity of any type - masturbatory,oral,anal or genital - with a pubertal child.
14. Hebephilia - closely related to pedophilia.It is consistent preference for sexual relations with young adolescents up to the age of sixteen years old.
15. Sexual Masochism - sexual gratification obtained through suffering bodily or mental pain.Involves recurrent intense sexually arousing fantasies,sexual urges or behaviors involving the act (real,not simulated) of being humiliated,beaten,bound,or otherwise made to suffer.
16. Sexual Sadism - the attainment of sexual gratification through the infliction of bodily or mental pain to others by physical or verbal means.
17. Transvestism or transvestic fetishism - obtaining sexual gratification by wearing clothes appropriate to the opposite sex (literally,"cross dressing")
18.Voyeurism or "Peeping Tom" (paninilip) - also termed as Scoptophilia.It consists of obtaining sexual gratification through observation of the genitals or sexual behaviours or sexual acts of others.Voyeurs obtain sexual gratication by seeing others undressed or perform sexual intercourse.
19. Nymphomania -insatiable impulse to sexual gratification in women.Satyriasis.Insatiable impulse to sexual gratification in men.
20. Oro-genital and Ano-genital Activities.- Oro-genital activity or cunnilingus is the opposition of the mouth to the female genitals,and Ano-genital activity or fellatio is the opposition of the mouth to the male genitals.
21. Sodomy - anal-genital intercourse between males.Pederasty,if it occurs between a man and a boy.
22.Telephone Scatologia -the making of obscene phone calls,such as describing one's masturbatory activity in great details;threatening to rape the victim,or trying to find out about the victim's sexual activities.
23. Necrophilia - deriving sexual gratification from viewing or having sexual contact with a corpse.
24. Zoophilia or Destiality -having sex with animals or having recurrent fantasies of sex with animals.
25. Coprophilia - deriving sexual pleasure from contact with feces.
26.Klismaphilia -deriving sexual pleasure from the use of enemas.Enemas is the fluid injected to the rectum.
27.Urophilia -deriving sexual pleasure from contact with urine.
28.Autogonistophilia -deriving sexual pleasure from having sex in front of others.
29.Somnophilia - having sex with a sleeping person.
30.Autonepiophilia -wearing diapers for sexual pleasure.
31. Promiscuity - Nonselective sexual intercourse with a variety of partners.


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