" Method 7. Forming New Money Habits of Mind
By Tim Ong
Author: From Fear to Love
Here is what my friend Tim Ong does to allow abundance to
flow into his life:
"One of the fundamental flaws for most people with regards to money is their belief in lack of abundance. Not too long ago, I had the same belief. When I was told that there is no limit to my
abundance and what I have in my life is the result of my thoughts, my logical mind immediately stepped in and ridiculed that notion.
However, as I learned more and more about the mind, and especially the power our subconscious mind has over our lives, I finally understood how it works. Once I passed this initial barrier of disbelief, I quickly made plans to replace my old belief in lack to a new belief in
A habit is something we have grown accustomed to, so much so that we do it without having to think about it. It runs on autopilot from our subconscious mind. So to change a habit, we have to become aware of it in our conscious mind, and then replace it with a new habit or new belief.
The more often we remind ourselves of our new belief, the faster we can assimilate it into our life and adopt it as our new habit. I do this by choosing two points in a day to actively focus
on the new belief about abundance – (1) when I wake up, and (2) before I go to sleep."
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to sit in meditation for about 30 minutes. In this meditation, I remind myself that I am basically a God-Essence, which means that I am already whole and complete. I lack nothing. I become abundance. Just BE! This takes some practice but once you’ve got it, it becomes easier to practice eventually. Before I go to sleep at night, I review the day’s events and focus only on what I have, and then I express my gratitude for the abundance that I have – no matter how small it may be.
You’ll find that the attitude of gratitude is a powerful way to allow unimpeded flow of abundance into your life. In fact, I have a short little poem which I recite:
Thank you for the abundance,
Thank you for the wealth.
Thank you for all the happiness,
Protection and good health.
Reminding yourself of your new belief twice a day is just a starter. The longer you can hold your new belief, the faster it'll become a part of you. When that happens, abundance will naturally flow into your life." This money mastery method is from Tim Ong, the author of the book "From Fear to Love" and many other books. You can get an incredible package of books from his site below.
From Fear to Love
Note from Christopher - You'll find gratitude as part of many money mastery methods, and there is good reason for it! Gratitude puts you in alignment with the source of all
abundance. I've practiced several gratitude exercises for years. I recommend looking into Tim's book, his clarity and focus are very refreshing
Method 8. Always Carry Cash
By Tony Mase
Developer: The Personal Power Course
"Not long ago, I came across a survey in which people were asked how much cash they had on them right now. Some sixty-percent of this survey's respondents said they had less than $20.00 in cash on them; some twenty-percent of them said they had less than $5.00 in cash on them.
If you want financial abundance and prosperity in your life, it's absolutely necessary for you to "feel" financially abundant and prosperous right now. Quite frankly, it's real difficult to feel financially abundant and prosperous when you're constantly walking around broke.
It's even more difficult to feel financially abundant and prosperous if every single time you walk into a store to buy something, you worry about whether or not you have enough money on you to buy what you want…
Even worse…
You worry about suffering the embarrassing consequences if
you don't.
My advice…
Always carry heavy!
Take the next few hundred dollars you earn and put it in your pocket, not the bank.
It'll feel much better in your pocket than it will in the bank and it'll help you develop and maintain the state of mind that's absolutely necessary for you to attract financial abundance and prosperity into your life."
Note from Christopher - Always carrying cash is one money mastery method that I adopted years ago, and it is one of my favorite! It feels so good to always have several hundred
dollars with me. My friend Tony Mase developed The Personal Power Course, ten simple lessons in Constructive Science, teaching you how to use your own sub-conscious energies for health, prosperity and personal achievement. I’ve read the lessons, and along with The Science of Getting Rich, they changed the way I think about myself and reality.
P.S. Lessons four and five of the ten lessons are specifically about wealth. Lesson four is the physical side of wealth, and lesson five is the mental side of wealth creation!
Method 9. Buy the Best for Yourself
By Tony Mase
Developer: A Powerful Life
"One of the single, biggest mistakes people make in their quest for wealth is buying things because they're cheap rather than buying things because they're the best.
Surrounding yourself with cheap things is not in any way conducive to developing and maintaining the mental attitude that's absolutely necessary for you to become wealthy.
In an article, titled "The Constructive Attitude", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", said this on the subject:
"… if you wear cheap clothes, eat cheap foods and surround yourself with cheap things to "save money" you will put yourself in the mental attitude of cheapness and inferiority. You will think of yourself in connection with cheap and inferior things, and so will see yourself as a cheap and inferior person. The cheap and inferior within you will be brought to the surface, and you will never do your best. You will be incapable of exerting your whole power, and by the law of reaction, cheap and inferior things will move toward you."
On the other hand, in the same article, he said this:
"If you wear the best, eat the best and have the best in your home, it puts you in the right mental attitude. You see yourself as one who has the best, is of the best, and IS the best; and the best there is in you will come to the surface. You will take the mental attitude of faith, confidence and power, and your success will be assured. You will take hold of your work with conscious power, and your work will be well done. You will BE the best, and by the law of action
and reaction, the best will move toward you."
If you want to be wealthy…
Starting today…
Stop buying that which is cheap and start buying that which
is the best!"
Note from Christopher - This money mastery method will take some getting used to if you are in the habit of always "going cheap". If I can change my habits, then so can you. I can now afford the best food, and the highest quality equipment for my business and life. Start practicing this today. Do you want A Powerful Life? My friend Tony Mase can teach you how to use the power we all have. Learn how to connect yourselves with the universal power in such a way as to get everything in life you want - health, wealth, success, happiness and more!
Method 10. Create Money Opportunities, not Money
By Tony Mase
Developer: The Science of Abundant Life
"Don't Set Yourself Up for Financial Emergencies Practically every financial planning and personal finance book you'll ever read advises you to start an emergency savings fund, to meet unexpected financial emergencies, as one of the first steps in building wealth.
If you truly want to be wealthy, this is just about the worst financial advice you could follow.
In an article, titled "The Constructive Attitude", Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", said this on the subject:
"… do not lay up for a rainy day. If you live right, think right, and work right, there will never be a rainy day for you. If you lay up for a rainy day, you will impress the sub-conscious with the fear of a rainy day; with the idea of weakness and incompetence, and so you will cause the rainy
day to come."
Does this mean you shouldn't keep any extra money at all?
Absolutely not…
In the same article, he said this:
"… provide a surplus, so that you may take advantage of any new opportunity…"
There's a Creative Power within you that makes your life into the exact image of that to which you focus your attention. If you focus your attention on financial emergencies, by saving for them, that's exactly what you'll have in your life… financial emergencies.
On the other hand…
If you focus your attention on financial opportunities, by providing for them, that's exactly what you'll have in your life… financial opportunities!"
Note from Christopher - Look at the richest people you know and see if they think in terms of money opportunity, or money emergency. You will find they expect success and wealth, and
they get it. Tony is an expert on The Science of Abundant Life. He has studied both ancient and modern books about the secrets of the truly abundant life. If you want to stop struggling and get more out of your life, this set of books may be some of the most important life transforming books you ever read.
P.S. What could be more fun to learn, than the science of
abundant life? It’s what we all want, and we can obtain it!
Method 11. Seek Ye First
By John Terry
Author: Through the Eyes of a Traveler
"This will probably sound like the most unlikely place to look for wealth, but if you consider the true source of all things, it makes perfect sense.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples that, “No man can serve two masters … Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” or the world (Matt 6:24). After suggesting to his disciples that they “take no thought for your life, what ye should eat, or what ye shall drink,” he told them, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto to you” (Matt 6:22). He didn’t say some, or part, or a portion, but “all things.”
Just moments earlier, he prefaced these very words by promising that those who would give their alms, offerings to the poor and needy, secretly, that the Father would reward them
openly (Matt 6:18). Is there sufficient faith to follow this teaching and live this way today?
Here is what I’m suggesting—if you want to acquire wealth, perhaps greater than you can even imagine, then find ways to give it away, anonymously, that will serve God and build up the kingdom of God. It is a sure thing—God’s promise to the faithful."
Note from Christopher - People who live in true abundance always give freely. You can tithe with your church, give to charity, or simply find those in need who live right around you.
Open your eyes and start giving today. The outflow brings the inflow - always. Be open and flowing.
John is the author of Through the Eyes of a Traveler. His book examines our innate ability to travel through time and space at will, to communicate directly with others and access knowledge
and intelligence through mere thought, and the power to control matter with our minds. I read his book in a few days, and went and met with him personally.
P.S. Yes, he took me into extremely deep relaxation and on a travel that I will never forget."