Dealing with Arguments and Problems in a Relationship

Yahoo Answer Postings :

What are common arguements to expect in relationships?

What are common types of arguements to expect in a relationship?
Hi I'm a girl that always thinks ahead of time. This is my first relationship with a guy and we have already had our first arguement. Fortunetly it was a missunderstanding but i want to know if you could tell me what other type of arguements to expect. And if we are arguing all the time should i just give up on the relationship.


Your Answer:

It depends upon in your relationship,for example,if both of you trust one another,so you will not have much problem in trusting one another.If both of you are financially stable,so you will not have much problem or arguments in terms of money or financial matters.If both of you are satisfied sexually,so you will not have much problems or arguments about your sex lives or sex activities....etc..

Arguments or problems is and will always be present in any relationship for there is no perfect relationship.All you have to do is to avoid arguments or problems to arise,just be wary and circumspect.For there would be somebody or something that will attempt to jeopardize your relationship.The best thing to do when problems or arguments arise,talk heart to heart and consider both sides and weigh them,if your side is wrong accept it, if his side is wrong,well let him show in a nice,loving,sweet and democratic way that his side is wrong.Tone pitch could ruin your communication for it can be you better be wary about.

Having a relationships and taking care of a relationship is not that easy is a challenge and career.For 100 % it will challenge your self.

.....that's my Yahoo Answer above.....

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