Stop Struggling Start Living

This insights is taken from Dr. Robert Anthony which he e-mail me.I want to share it to my readers here in this blog of mine.I hope you like its message.The message is actually to stop having a "struggling mindset" like "I don't have money; we don't have food;I am ugly";etc which consequently only produces similar negative stuffs on one's own life thus ending up to be unhappy and not satisfied in life.

The basic idea is to scrap away this bad mind habit and replace it with a very sane and positive mindset that never struggle against life so that one will already experience the good stuffs one want to experience on one's life.

Here is what he have e-mailed me :
"The Secret of Deliberate Creation is about learning how to give up
the struggle. Struggle is trying to rearrange the world so that it
aligns with the way you think it should be. It is the greatest
source of unhappiness in our world today. It happens when you focus on what you perceive you don't have, instead of embracing what you do have.

The need to struggle and effort to get what we want is an illusion
and like all other illusions (or assumptions), by their very nature,they keep us from seeing the truth that is right before us.

We live in a time of striking contrasts. There is tremendous
prosperity and at the same time there is also tremendous poverty.
Why is this so? The reason is that we (meaning all of us on this
planet) must change our paradigm and see abundance as a mindset.

Abundance is waking up to the reality that you are already the
person you yearn to become and that you already
have everything you need.

The denial or more accurately the resistance to your true nature is what keeps you struggling. Abundance is about lovingly accepting WHO and WHERE you are IN THIS MOMENT. It is focusing on
all that you have and not losing yourself in all that you don't
have. In the end, it is this thought that allows us to live in the
Flow of unstoppable riches in every area of our lives.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it. It will only take a few moments
and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. "

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