
This article is originally written by me and published first at

Pinoy Jejemon : Modern Day Pinoy Youth Expression

Some modern day Pilipino teens and youth today has find their way to be notice in the Philippines’ public eye through a kind of texting or SMS messaging called “Jejemon”. Jejemon is a kind of SMS messaging that adds either additional letter or number to a word invented by some modern day Pilipino teens and youths, match with a “jejemon get up” like wearing a colorful cap.

Example of a jejemon text is “eow poh, ajejeje”, which simply means “hello”. But this is just a mild jejemon SMS message, there are other two more kind of jejemon text that is already hard to decipher and jejemeon texters calls the other two kinds as benign and terminal jejemon.
                                       Mild :  “eow”
                                       Benign : “eowh”
                                       Terminal : “eowfhx6”

Some of the parents of the jejemon Pilipino teen and youths were really worried and anxious of what is going on with their children when they received a SMS message from their jejemon daughter or jejemon son, as it was reported on the news.
However, this is not alarming as to reprimand the Pinoy jejemon teens and youths from doing such kind of texting, though there are other teens and youths who oppose it and wanted to correct this kind of SMS messaging wherein they call themselves “jejemon busters or jeje busters”; because this kind of SMS messaging is just a mere a “children’s play” wherein anytime the Pilipino jejemon could correct it anytime they wanted.

Ajejeje :)
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