Homosexual Issues

*a forum posting reply

1. Are You In Favor of  Homosexual Marriage?

The answer to this question is divisive because of many ruling factors like homophobic religions (Christianity and Islam) who greatly influences majority of millions of people around the world that promotes homosexual discrimination; secular homophobia who just for no reason at all hate and fear homosexual people;and other who value Male-Female only relationship.

I have a reply in a famous forum regarding such homosexual issue about gay or homosexual marriage.

"Of course,those who can't understand Homosexuality will say NO..
But those who can sympathized and understand Homosexuality will say YES..

Of course,if all legislators are all straight guys and gals,they will say NO..
But if legislators have homosexual tendencies or could sympathized and understand Homosexuality will say YES..

Of course,those who value materialism and physicality (like the materialistic Christianity and Islam which value physicality and not true spirituality because they emphasize that Male is those who have T-T and Female those who have P-K) will say NO..

But those who do not value materialism and physicality but understands the true spiritual connotation of Masculinity and Femininity will say YES since physical marriage doesn't actually define the True SELF they possess.For the SELF is not physical or material.."

2.  Should There be a separate restroom for gays?

This the complain of a certifies homophobic guy in an online forum i usually visit.He is creating a problem and an issue that he is being peep while urinating on urinals on public restrooms which he find to be sexually offensive.

However,my reply is if he is a homophobic he should not utter it loudly lest he commit discrimination among gay community; the best solution i said is,he should urinate instead on the toilet cubicle since it is covered. 

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  1. what is the mysteries of the kingdom of god?

  2. Good for gays.. :) mwuah

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